Saturday, March 20, 2010

Palimos ng Pag-ibig! SEIKO!


"uhm...One of a kind!:)"- V-san Rain Yang

"masaya masaya... a money can't buy exp... :D" - Pam Yin

Inevitable" - 
Patrick Starfish

On March 20, 2010. There is no official anime or cosplay convention, nor strip. But for NCG this is the first event organized exclusively for NCG. Palimos ng Pag-ibig, a fund raising event by doing cosplay inside a mall. There were two venues, SM Megamall and SM Mall of Asia. And it was unforgettable date to remember. Since this is the guild's event, no big sponsors, no artistas, no lights and sounds, but just pure fun cosplay. The rule is just simple, just go around the mall and do cosplay and ask for some donation. And since cosplay is always a head turner, many people would really notice us and take pictures. Of course, there were some incidents of children crying because they see scary characters, but so far many loved it! 
Well since we were strolling inside the mall and getting attention, there were incidents that the guards there would shoo us away. Even though it may spoil the fun, we still continued on in walking, taking pictures, posing, and even talking to people since not everyone inside the mall knows the existence of cosplay.
Not all of the NCG members are in cosplay, they were the one who would assist us in our quest. Some did the drawing, some the photography, and some even helped in the make up. The most fun part is the picture taking and posing which lasted the whole day. And since it was a saturday, there were a lot of surprises 

When we were at SM Megamall, it seems at first that nobody knows why we are there. And also we were all new with our campaign, but what the heck! We continued on reaching to the 3rd floor and quite made a good amount. It was 4 pm when we left Megamall to continue the fun at the Mall of Asia.
The trip to MoA was very fun since we almost filled the whole bus! It seemed more like a field trip than a regular commuting. When we finally made it to MoA, we headed toward the bayside. It was dusk at that time but it also seems to be a perfect opportunity for us to again to do our move especially since we have learned from our experience earlier. We were stationed beside an airball play area which the sign says WOW BALLS!, thus the immortal name we are always discussing. Remembring that it was a Saturday, we are also surprised when the fireworks display started. Coincidentally, It seems like MoA is celebrating our arrival at their grounds. We did better this time since there where more people and we did not even moved out of our place. However, we again encountered guards when we moved to the fountain area and decided to end the cosplaying but not the fun!
We had some snacks and a lot of picture taking at that area. Even without the costumes, NCG members still catch attention with our poses. And just after an hour, we finally decided to go home with some are going to have more bonding at Decdec's house. It was very obvious for all who attended that it was a swell day, and all have one thing in mind: WOW BALLS!

next stop: PCC 2010!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

TAGCOM and NCG First Grand Eyeball!

Today was again the time for a convention for Toys & Hobbies Convention, and this time it was held at Robinsons Place Manila Midtown Atrium. That part of the mall is the newest extension and also the most widest, perfect for conducting events such as these. And with this event, of course there would be a lot of people that regularly stroll the mall would be able to see them and also pass by the shops and displays inside. The good thing about this event is the fact that its not enclosed inside a convention center and there is no entrance fee. Thus, everyone can get a chance to be part of the convention and also a higher chance of making profit for the stores there. 

TAGCOM is a haven for toy and anime enthusiasts since there were merchandise for die cast, scaled models and other tools and accessories devoted for the craft. There was also a competition of the best in die cast and scaled models which I find very impressive. Pinoy craftsmen can now be proud to be great toymakers and scalers in the international scene. Every  detail has been carefully been made even with a meticulous eye. Of course, models from anime and American comic books also in demand with the crowd, there were also DVDs and accessories shop which makes it a one stop shop.     

 And of course, TAGCOM also smells cosplay for its two days. For this event, its also special to me since this will be the first grand eyeball of my cosplay clan, the Nosebleed Cosplay group which has more than 700 members and counting! However there were a hundred plus member who shoed up for the EB but it was very overwhelming since we almost dominated the TAGCOM event. We also had a tarpulin and even conquered the McDonalds store. There, we had the french fries festival, as in an overflowing of fries in a tray! But its not the food or the tarp that made our day, it was the new aquaintances and bonding that the guild had. 

The guild had a memorable time of doing the thing we like best, cosplaying and since there were a lot of enthusiasts and photographers, the member had their time in striking a pose. So far, not all in the guild were wearing costumes, some are there to assist with the costumes and some are more of the anime fanatics that have prowess in drawing.  We are now looking forward to more cosplay events in the future especially Ozine fest in April.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Welcome to the Nosebleed Cosplayers's Guild blog!

We would like to welcome you to the blog of the Noseblees Cosplayers' Guild Blog site. Here you can know more about the cosplay guild which is collectively called NCG. Formed in 2010, the guild has almost a thousand members to date. The guild aims of gathering cosplay enthusiasts, anime lovers, otakus and all other people that have interest and in support of the art of cosplay. 

The guild was formed using the social networking site facebook and grew in number in less than a month. The guild's page hase been a favorite for the members since there would be post all day. There, the guild had organized its first grand eyeball at the TAGCOM event at Robinsons last February 27, 2010. The second one is set to be on Ozine fest on April. 

The guild is also proud of its officers that are mostly dedicated and most are still students like the members. And since the love for anime run through our veins, the joy of anime and cosplay is insatiable. We aim to attend more conventions in the future and also would have guild events. So if you are into our purpose, we would like to be part of the guild. Just don't forget to follow rules and regulations to avoid any complications. The NCG is more like a second family that takes care of each of its members. So let it bleed!